
We all know that a patient's medical and insurance information taken at registration must be accurate in order to provide appropriate treatment/care and to ensure proper and prompt payment of claims.
ESignIn is an centralized, network driven patient management system, which captures complete and relevant patient information like visit reason, insurance company etc. Searching by loyalty number makes it much user friendly.
The system automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care process. Appointment scheduling deals with scheduling of physician appointments for the patients.

Features and benefits
Following are the features and benefits provided by ESignIn:

Registering a new patient with all the details like Name, Date of birth, visit reason, insurance etc.
At registration patient can be searched by loyalty number, if found then all the details are populated
Clerk window automatically shows new patient as it registers.
Clerk window shows patients on first come first serve basis but some critical patients like heart
patient etc. are shown with highest priority.
Clerk call to patient and acknowledge it in system. System calculates response time for patient.

Each user (patient, clerk and Admin) gets access to system only what is necessary for them.
Only Admin has full access to system.
Clerk can only see patients of its own location only while admin can see patients from all locations.
Visit reasons, their priorities, insurance, location can be added, edited in system.
Users can be managed and their accessibility level can be defined in system.
Summarized or detailed report can be seen for specified period of time by location, clerk etc.
Reports can be exported to pdf for later use.
Reports can be analyzed by charts also.

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